Why Wont Windows 8 Let Me Download Software From A Cd – Download – Windows 8

Locate and then click the following subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 6. Double-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun to see its value. If the value is 0xb5, the AutoRun feature for CD-ROMs is turned off. To turn on the AutoRun feature, follow these steps: a. Right-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun. c. In the Value data box, type 91. d. Select Hexadecimal, and then click OK. 7. Exit Registry Editor If nothing happens then, we can confirm that it is either: A. A driver problem, check the device manager by going to the start screen and typing in “device manager” without the quotes, if you see any icons with a yellow “!” then please tell us the names next to the icon B. It could also be a problem with your DVD drive Once again, Good Luck susandy said: Hi Astroninjaben Windows 8 doesn’t have start menu, do you thing regedit can be found searching through files and folders? This is driving me nuts when ever I would expect some thing to do or run automatically nothing happens. I have even tried to download the software, I can find it but when I go to run it nothing happens!!!!!!!!! Beginning to think windows 8 is rubbish lol Thank you for your help Win + S.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2197780/wont-windows-download-software.html

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